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As ACT for Alexandria has worked to improve the lives of all Alexandrians, we have been fortunate that generous and community-minded businesses hav...
by Heather Peeler If you’re like me, you’ve often wondered what we can do to successfully address poverty in our community. We have so many great ...
ACT for Alexandria envisions a community where all residents can achieve their full potential and where the color of one’s skin, ethnicity, or citi...
Is the American dream out of reach? At ACT’s recent IMPACT Racial Equity Forum, our keynote speaker, Nisha Patel a national expert on mobility fro...
OAR is one of the first organizations to receive a racial equity capacity building grant from ACT. OAR seeks to promote equity in the legal system...
The COVID-19 Outreach & Engagement Mini Grants Thanks to the Alexandria Resilience Fund, Alexandria nonprofits are creatively helping Al...
Creating A Thriving Community One of the lessons from the pandemic is our interconnectedness. Our collective health, safety and pros...
Recently, we reached out to Shelli Ross, donor advised fund holder and ACT supporter, to learn about her approach to giving. Why is be...
There’s a new friendly face around the ACT office. Temi Songonuga began volunteering with ACT in March. Temi is a veteran of the US Marine Corps wh...
As humans we are inherently social beings. A sense of belonging and connection is key to our health and wellbeing. Over the past year, we have ke...
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