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The Spring2ACTion final numbers are in: $2,087,318! Together, we surpassed our $2 million goal! This year’s success was fueled by YOU and every sin...
Do you seek to promote racial equity as an ally within your organization, but don't know where to start? Join IMPACT Breakout Session Spe...
In one year, we will all be asked to participate in one of the most important expressions of our democracy – the 2020 Census. The U.S. Constitutio...
As Alexandria’s community foundation, the vision of a vibrant community is core to our work. At our IMPACT Racial Equity Forum, we asked 250 nonpr...
Spring2ACTion, Alexandria’s Giving Day, is Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Ready, set, give! Spring2ACTion is an online giving even...
Snow did not keep us from having our biggest IMPACT Forum ever, with 250 attendees filling Beth El Hebrew Congregation to capacity. Now in its 12th...
The Alexandria community mobilized to support our neighbors negatively affected by the partial federal government shutdown this winter. Together w...
The ACT Now Fund is currently accepting applications from 501c3 organizations that serve City of Alexandria residents and are seeing an increase in...
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments reports that the shutdown had a $1.6B economic impact on the regional economy – the biggest econ...
Alexandrians are known for their generosity. Now is the time for our community to come together to support our neighbors. Our co...
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