Census 2020


In March 2020, Alexandrians were called upon to be counted as part of the 2020 Census. Mandated by the U.S. Constitution, every ten years the country counts every resident. ACT envisions a City that embraces residents from all walks of life and where everyone can fully participate in our civic life and economic prosperity. Census data helps us understand the full story of our community by counting everyone who lives here. We encourage everyone to complete the Census and to share the message about its importance to their family, friends and neighbors. Census data helps us understand the full story of our community by counting everyone who lives here.

Census Mini Grants

ACT partnered with foundations across the region to mobilize resources and influence to support a complete count in the 2020 Census and participated on the City’s Complete Count Committee.

In 2019, ACT led a brainstorming session with the Alexandria Council of Human Service Organizations network to identify ways nonprofits can integrate Census outreach into their normal, day-to-day work.  In addition, knowing that nonprofits and their constituents are trusted messengers in the community, ACT provided grant funding to Casa Chirilagua to provide structured training and stipends to community members who will serve as Census Ambassadors in the Arlandria neighborhood.

ACT allocated $25,000 in funding for Census Mini Grants to 12 grantee organizations to assist with outreach and awareness building activities in hard-to-count communities in Alexandria.  Grantees received awards of $500 – $3,000, based on the need and request.

Grantee Organizations

AHC, Inc.
Alexandria Library Foundation
Casa Chirilagua
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington
Center for Alexandria’s Children
Community Lodgings
Dream Project
Ethiopian Center for Peace and Progress
Friends of Guest House
Tenants & Workers United
Volunteer Alexandria
Wesley Housing


Virginia Census One-Pager 2018 Kids Count Data Book

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