Leading ACTor: Susan Gerock

Susan Gerock, Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, WashREIT

“I truly believe we make a difference on a person-to-person basis in our communities,” says Susan.

Susan has been making a difference in Alexandria for many years.  She first got involved with ACT and Spring2ACTion when she owned a women’s clothing store and was looking for ways to give back and become more active in Alexandria.  Susan was attracted to ACT’s ability to offer a centralized way to learn about the nonprofit community.

Seeing the potential of Spring2ACTion, Susan soon deepened her involvement by offering matching grants for her favorite organizations participating in Alexandria’s Giving Day.  “I love the idea of giving the nonprofit a goal to shoot for, to give their donors something to shoot for,” Susan explains.   The friendly competition and the opportunity to engage donors helps nonprofits stretch in ways that benefit their organizations and the people they serve.

Seeing organizations meet and exceed the challenge has been rewarding.  Susan shares, “It’s a great experience feeling like you’re having a positive impact in the community.”


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